Five most important steps to speed up your computer to run better

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1. Clean the laptop and temperature

One of the main reasons that reduce the efficiency of laptop you have and reduce the performance of the machine is the high degree of laptops and the first factor to high temperature is dust accumulated laptop. We have the issue of the causes of and solutions to the problem of high grade laptop heat and we reviewed the problem fully and solutions. Advise everyone read this thread to avoid this problem. This is the first step and the most important that you should do to speed up the laptop.

2. Turn off the software that works with start

I know we have a review of this step before, but this time I want to emphasize it. There is no difference between the acceleration speed up your PC or laptop, but here we review the most important steps and when we talk about the most important steps to speed up the laptop must remember to stop programs that work with the start of Windows.

To stop programs that work with start-up, follow these steps: (for Windows 7 users)

Click on the Start menu, then select Run, then type msconfig, and then select Start Up, and then delete the true from the front of programs that do not want to work with start-up and the best sign that not all Disable it, then press Ok.

To stop programs that work with start-up, follow these steps: (for users of Windows 8)

By pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc to run Task Manager Task Manager, and then Start-up window, and then select the program you want to stop him and then you press the Disable below, and you will notice the situation Status in front of each program, whether Enable any possible, and Disable any such suspension, turn off all programs.

Thus, the machine does not read any programs or to make any operations with the beginning of Windows! , And thus becomes laptops have much faster, as these programs work with start and remain running in the background and so dramatically is your consumption and underperforms laptop you have, but with a shut off will increase the efficiency of laptops and increasingly focus on important programs and what they are already doing.

3. Upgrade the increase in laptop Ram

We have on the subject do you need to increase the size of the Ram on your device to make it faster? Review and clear answer to this question, you should know that increasing the ram in your system from 1 GB to 2 GB will add a big difference, but Ram increase from 8 to 16 GB will not happen any difference that you are a regular user of the computer. So upgrade ram in your laptop from 1 GB to 2 GB or 2 to 4 GB certainly will add a very big difference. To change the Ram, you should know you ram in your DDR2 or DDR3 and the best that you snapped a ram in your laptop when you buy a new one. He also must you search using the model of laptop you have to recognize the maximum RAM can bear your laptop.

4. Hard upgrade to fill

Previously the subject of our review of the response to a very important question which is why you need to Hard SSD and certainly we reviewed the answer clearly. Valtrgih Hard to SSD in both computer or laptop in the laptop will support the speed and raise the efficiency of the laptop a lot. But on the other hand prices of this kind of Alhardat high and not affordable for everyone, but if it came to you the opportunity to upgrade I advise you to do because they deserve without a doubt.

5. screening processes on your computer and do not want to stop what

This is certainly an important step basically, I do not know how to have a tool in your Windows task manager, it does not always use it to monitor the consumption of operations for your device and programs that kill your computer. Laptop suffering that did not use the Task Manager tool. Where you must examine the processes or programs that run in the background of your device and consume Ram or Almimori and figure out how much to consume and the percentage too. As a result, because this may be difficult on the user's normal to follow up operations on the device so we have to explain it through video above is clear and understandable for everyone explains how you can examine the processes and track how much is consumed each program and also learn exotic processes in the background and that consume your resources.

Note that the steps above are not the only laptop to make you better, but there are steps that we have reviewed by the computer and that you should be carried out as well. So we only focus on the importance of these steps, but this is not enough at all, and steps must be applied also to speed up your PC laptops have.

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